Pamela Jean Curry, 2022 All Rights Reserved.



Babel Fish Translation The Politics of Oppression: A FireWriter’s Story. When governments and media can listen to what we  say, intercept what we write, monitor where we go, and control how we communicate, the only safe way to express ideas will be to Write with FireStudio Cat (Bad Lynx) is getting a little nervous about how much longer she might be around, we’re getting the “peur” out. ©Pamela Jean Curry,  All Rights Reserved.  December 2003 .This short paper was written online, I normally would re-edit the entire paper and fix the footnotes that aren’t properly formatted, but for free this is what you get. If I’m going to waste my time for free, I prefer to paint with light, and write with fire. Who the hell am I anyway?

In 2002 Mary Robinson, the then United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, said “Her office was ready to respond in support of any initiative the Commission might think appropriate in order to signal clearly that human rights should not be sacrificed in the fight against terrorism…Mrs. Robinson said that she heard distress and concern voiced by the human rights movement over allegations of increased politicization of issues in the Commission to the detriment of true human rights concerns. This was a time to remind oneself of the essential role of the Commission on Human Rights in protecting human beings against gross violations through highlighting and publicizing those violations…”

United Nations Press Release of April 4, 2002. At the time of this press release the Commission was considering protective measures for situations in Somalia, Cambodia and Haiti.  Mrs. Robinson, perhaps should have been looking closer to home reminding the reader that the U.S. has not signed the Optional Protocol to the Political and Civil Convention.

U.S. citizens cannot file complaints and have them seriously considered by the Human Rights Commission. This U.S. continues to uses technology abuse to engage in forms of slavery, prostitution, and genocide. The later two being a natural and known consequence of the lack of the right to health care in the U.S.

The uploading of the United Nation’s documents for Footnote 7 has begun, Merry Xmas, Jpegs and I’m not spending tons of time on them, try downloading them and using a viewer. Thanks. This is the “hobby” part of Film Studio Faux. Annoying hobby huh?

         Want to Book me as a Lecteur? I’ll bring the fava beans ;<)!  This agenda is going to be aggresively pushed through most of 2004, but meanwhile I’m finishing Film Studio Faux’s first screenplay: The Third Tier a Firewriter’s Production.
Three Tiers of Tyranny:
I. Data Mining & Matching;
II. Electronic Surveillance;
III. Time-Matched Brainwashing (Manipulation)¹

Part I: Background of  the Issues

The Usual Suspects: Scientific and Technological Developments and Human Rights.
Actions that can be taken to fight the Third Tier is limited, but starting by publicizing the issue at the appropriate
United NationsCommittee would be at least a first step, to what will be a very long road to recovery from addictive technology.

Global Cookbook.  When you cook a big meal you should invite some people to dinner. In the case of a Global Cookbook, it should be this committee. Under Protocol many individuals, who live in nations who have not signed the Optional Protocals to some Treaties,  have no individual rights to have a complaint reviewed at the United Nations. Each and every human rights agency I contacted in the last ten years named “financing” as the main obstacle to study of the issue of surveillance and human rights. This is a lame excuse. The problem as noted at the U.N. by the Federal Republic of  Germany is “The field of Human Rights is characterized more by a lack of implementation than by a lack of legal norms.”2

When the U.N. finally put their records online I expected a readily accessible research base,  searchable like yahoo or google. In Geneva I was able to obtain, after request, a list of all the document numbers available from the Committee on Scientific and Technological Developments and Human Rights, some with brief descriptions of the meeting.    Please email me if I am wrong, but I have not found that the United Nations website has provided this search capability.

        The U.N. Commission on Human Rights adopted a Resolution 1986/9 establishing this agenda item. The initial draft resolution was sponsored by Japan and Yugoslavia, introduced by Japan. Ambassador Kobayashi of Japan had “taken the floor and expressed his views on the question in more detail”. 3  Primarily the goal was to alert the world to negative and sometimes positive effects of some technology. This is an excellent article that outlines the studies and reports made by this committee from 1971-1987 including:

E/CN.4/1116 A report on respect for the privacy of the individual….in the light of advances in recording and other techniques….methods of auditory and visual surveillance, personality assessment techniques…and other bodily tests for non medical purposes, and communications and observation satellites.
E/CN.4/1142 The report on the use of electronics…automation and computers.

E/CN.4/1172  The report on the protection of the human personality and its physical and intellectual integrity, in the light of advances in biology, medicine and bio-chemistry…psychotropic drugs

E/CN.4/1084 Reports on the impact of scientific and technological developments on economic, social and cultural rights.

                  . The committee also passed Resolutions including “The protection of persons detained on the grounds of mental ill-health.” 4  and “A study of guidelines relating to the use of computerized personal files.” 5 The later being the study upon which I based my 1989 civil count for Post Employment Retaliation.          “In 1984, the head of the Japanese delegation to the Commission on Human Rights, Mrs. Sadako Ogata, stated that “the time had come to appraise the studies undertaken and bring them up to date where necessary in the light of the advances made during the past decade, so as to enable the Commission to consider what further action was needed” 
  It still appears the United Nations has not re-assessed the early 1970’s reports, even if they had they should be re-assessed in light of the global changes since 911.   It isn’t the Resolutions that are a result of this committee that are still of interest today, but the comments by Rapporteurs and the footnoted reports.  For example in 1974 this committee filed a report with comments by the ILO (International Labor Organization) on the detrimental uses of personality tests. Most of the warnings of negative uses of technology reported in the 1970’s are relevant today. What is discouraging is that it was clear from the beginning of the assessment of these rights that individual cases were never considered. Resolutions should be based on real life changes brought about by the negative effects of technology abuse.

 Footnote Seven, As soon as I have time to free some space, I am temporarily linking as many United Nations Documents from this Committee as I can, until  Space at this Free Website runs out. Most of the documents were obtained at the U.N. Library in Geneva.

Data Mining & Matching
More Bang for the Buck?

This is a report whose audience should be those readers who are somewhat advanced in using the internet as a research resource. I assume at this time in December 2003 that most people are aware of the U.S. Government’s plans with TIA ( Total Information Awareness). I assume that you have read the page at this website with links to other pages at this site to information on Information Warfare and data mining.
Risks digests linked on the Data Mining page still remains an excellent resource about abuse of electronic data, mismatched records (false arrests) and other relevant issues in concrete terms.

I will instead outline issues less debated in the area of data mining.

More Bang for the Buck: Land Remote Sensing & data banks, as a measurer of future abuse.

For years now  Landsat (US) and Spot (French system) have been used to collect and exploit Land Remote Sensing Information for commercial purposes.  Who questions what determines a valid commercial exploration? By ignoring this issue to concentrate on the more obvious forms
of data collection for data banks, as digital rights activist have to deal with issues that are concretely actionable, are we bolting and locking
the front door to keep out the evil while leaving a back door wide open?

It appears from United Nations Committee records that determination would be up to
government committee. Governments who are primarily interested in the best utilization of public resources. This is the most “Bang for the Buck” theory. It seems fair to believe that when China uses land remote sensing capabilities on Mongolia, the Mongolians are not polled to find out if they want to be “banged”…ya baby. Historical  fact has shown us that any discovery of value in mineral rights on land is bound to cause displacement  of people on those lands. While in the United States there is a “taking clause” in the
Constitution that  requires a person is justly compensated for a governmental “taking” of property,
if the taking is in the form of intellectual property how does one prove it?

It appears  governments can use this information without disclosure.Seeing this as a commercial endeavor it is only logical to ask: What other commercial activities are being carried out to evaluate how the government can get “more bang for the buck”? Will data be used to trade in human life? To sell children before they are born? In the State of Florida, where the status of the agency in charge of safety of children has been the subject of one scandal after another: children killed in their custody; children missing who were supposed to be
in their custody; case workers who lie on records; corruption is not as much as an issue as apathy.  Using data and other forms of technology for “cherry picking” potential genetic candidates is highly probable.

The United Nations has had ongoing seminars in Remote Sensing, some of the projects are huge. How exactly does human rights judge or watch this use of technology? Issues of Data Collection for Airlines and other data bases are highly debated in the public thanks to the fine efforts of activists. We still have not engaged in open debate about the possible human rights violations since the U.S. has made a public law,
US Public Law 98-365, that encourages commercial uses of outer space. As one Remote Sensing proceedings described the first use of satellites is data distribution. Both synchronous or polar orbiting satellites have “a capability of providing effective, economical results for scientific experiments…” But on what part of the earth and to the detriment of who? 8

It is certain that Data Mining will continue to be a controversial issue, but while wagging war on only one method by which Data can be Mined, from “voluntary” collection (collected from airlines or credit cards or library cards) as opposed to Data Collected from Satellite systems watching the movements of communities or individuals.
The technology and precision in which this can be done is an entirely different issue.

Media Plurality and Data Mined with Satellites

  Law Review articles dating back over a decade are relevant today because,  the
law has not been able to catch up with technology.  As Europe’s endeavor to find out about Echelon
reveals, my government won’t even admit we have the technology. (One of the linked working papers, PDF’s, is in English and depicts the way the French representative from Europe was treated when he went to the U.S. to investigate Echelon) One article concluded that the United States Government is more afraid of commercial satellite used by the media than it is of Satellites in the hands of foreign governments. Historically, the relationship between them has been double edged,  not like a sharp sword but more like a dull butter knife.  They have an adversarial relationship concerning the reporting of  news and government secrets but a bonded relationship concerning business issues. For instance in order to obtain a license for a mediasat it would have to be stated that they would not use the satellite in a way that would endanger national security, a required business agreement.

Pass the Butter Knife
I recently posted this article at the FreeLamo Forum. I’m interested in the cause of justice more than Mr. Lamo’s cause, I wanted concrete information to be read by the posters there. Adrian Lamo the young hacker being prosecuted by the Federal Government, after an FBI agent allegedly read the story the N.Y. Times published themselves, about how a hacker had used their account at Lexus. Lexus is owned by Mead Data Central whose parent company is Elsevier, a corporation in the Netherlands.

   “The Inverted File” (Magazine Article)
      “Online” July 1983 by Jeffrey Pemberton. In the writing of this article Pemberton received a letter he describes as a “crudely disguised attempt at prior restraint” by the N.Y.  Times PR department. Before the NY Times contracted with Mead Data Central to put their articles online, they created their own database,  the “Information Bank”. This article was also an analysis of the Mead deal.

      Pemberton calls the story of the “Information Bank” one of “management blunders that  brought scorn from the remainder of the information industry”. But of interest here, at Free Lamo,  is that Pemberton states the Times started the Information Bank knowing that their best clients would be the U.S. Government.

      Pemberton, their first salesperson in 1972,  claims he sold the first subscription for the Information Bank to the CIA.  They were “so anxious to get electronic research that they installed a dedicated line into the Times computers” in Langley. Following them, he writes, the NSA and Defense Intelligence Agency signed up.

      Pemberton states “the database that is derived from this newspaper is in my judgment the best database of current affairs information that is obtainable.”      There is a broad & almost brainwashed type of reliance on information from the Times by organizations outside of the media industry. This makes lawsuits against their business practices difficult to prosecute, even for the U.S. Government.

      The biggest slap in the face, concerning information veracity, was in a Human Rights report made for the United Nations in the 1970’s. This was the first time the U.N., working from Vienna, had a conference on advances in technology and how they were affecting human rights. Sadly enough, many of the footnotes to that report, were quotes by reporters of the NY Times who had written about science. Apparently the scientists themselves weren’t contacted by the U.N.  At the same time, in the 1970’s the NY Times had on of the largest class action suits brought against them by the women of the Times. During that suit, according to historical reports, the management made gross personal attacks on the women calling them mental or alcoholics and so forth. That class action had help from Columbia University and it was still hard to undertake.

       The Media’s information gathering poses a greater risk to domestic security causing “embarrassment and political damage”. Whereas, a foreign state would weigh the risk of releasing information that would cause political damage against the risk of revealing “information on their own capabilities”. 9

Media Plurality

I still have a copy of a Green Paper published by, I believe, the European Parliament in the 1980’s on Media Plurality. As long as the satellite and news gathering capabilities of media conglomerates are not
taken under consideration when laws on fair use or media ownership are being rewritten, there will be a serious
unbalance in competitive practices. This is an issue unto itself, not recognizing the covert satellite
capability of news gathering agencies when determining media ownership law in a “state government “.
One of the exceptions to the laws on storage of personal data and transborder flow of that data is when it
is stored for news gathering purposes. I’ve filed at least on letter of personal protest at the Federal Communications Commission
concerning their of approval of a media merger.

The U.N. passed their Resolution on Guidelines for the regulation of computerized personal data files in 1990, but the Council of Europe had their Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data since 1981. In those and later version most of the law in  data privacy have
exceptions for certain types of records 1) Medical   2) Legal (police) and  3) Press.  As I’ve experienced, under
the shield (falsity) of these exceptions to Data Privacy laws you can still be libeled all over the world.

I was employed by a Media Conglomerate in 1985-1986, when I worked for Hertz Full Time as the Tourism Sales Rep. Hertz was owned by RCA Corporation who also owned NBC. I was also working for a N.Y. Times newspaper as a photographer. Hertz was happy to hire and keep me, because my extensive knowledge about tourism and the car rental industry meant they didn’t have to train me and they could give me two sales territories, one that hadn’t seen a sales rep in ten years. I made my ambitions in filmmaking clear and they knew I was a photographer for a newspaper. RCA had installed new phone systems, right before I left there a fellow co-worker warned me that there could be listening devices. With that I was out the door!

This is the don’t try this at home warning. When I took my case to the ITU (International Telecommunications Union) the person I was introduced to had his manuals opened to the pages the showed the SATCOM holdings of RCA American. My ties to a media conglomerate made a more substantial case in the court proceedings and someone without those ties, even though they were under surveillance, might not be able to maintain the same allegations without having the case dismissed.

How did this relate to my lawsuit against the newspaper. The newspaper made the initial threats against me. People still employed by the paper were telling me months after I left how they could carry out a long term retaliation against me, “They would NEVER” let me alone. That is a powerful threat coming from someone alleging to speak for a N.Y. Times Editor.
This technology is used to initiate a “process” of retaliation. I sued over the “process”. In fact the Federal Judge that was
put on my case, his Law Clerk, told me that the Judge had handled Mining cases before ;<).
The First & Second Tiers:
I. Data Mining & Matching
II. Electronic Surveillance
Controversial but Recognized

Data Mining & Matching information can come from what I describe as two methods of collection: one being “voluntary”. The U.S. Justice system tends towards using a perverted definition of “voluntary”. I don’t mean as in you agreed this information could be used, but somehow by collection from some source you or your friends data was physically gathered. It was physically entered into a database. Then, it was accessed and matched to other data. The data it was “matched” to can then be used to initiate Tier Three Manipulation.

The second Tier of Data collection that I write about in my Cookbook is “involuntary”. The data was gathered from means that are not necessarily physical collection. It was collected by eavesdropping technology the capabilities of which are not generally known to the public.

1. The Second Tier: Surveillance & Radical Indifference

Base Problems with “Transparency” in open debate of this issue:
As the surveillance activity is advancing, more covert and overt forms of
retaliation can be carried out on individuals or groups.

That surveillance activities are being conducted are a given. Technical literature is abundant in that respect, particularly in Europe. In 1988 when I traveled to Europe to do my first round of research about surveillance activities I was able to engage in open debate in Geneva concerning the corruption connected with this activity, both in banking and in government. By 1993, although the EU was headed towards commissioning studies and an Echelon resolution, there was not only less open debate about the surveillance issue in Geneva but I was given open warnings that there was fear about debating the issue. By then people knew I was undertaking a lawsuit that made me controversial, if not hated by some in my own country.

I stopped writing here because, if this was an audience I would like to ask. Do I say here what I know to be true, what I know this audience will believe to be true, or do I say only what will not make me the subject of some type of campaign of harassment (mental institutionalization, having my actions followed by law enforcement, interference with economic advantage – this takes many, many forms, sexual haazing combined in total they can make just stepping out of the house to do daily shopping a high stress endeavor. I’ve been through all of these events).   Then I remember the cover of my last U.N. Refugee Magazine, it has graffiti that says “Refugee Go Home”.  Radical indifference is just this combination. We want “transparency”, but we don’t want the problems that are created when this so called issue of “transparency” that makes victims or targets of those willing to speak. This is happening all over the world, every Nation has their own internal problems and nations are turning away from national health care, including Germany.  Even if returning to your country does not make you a target, you can be ignored until you are dead or your mental state deteriorates. I’ve watched more than one person go mad during my lifetime, as a result I find this a more disturbing problem than violent crime that is reported.
2. Surveillance & Radical Indifference: Technical Documentation

This article is what could be called one “pearl” in a sea of empty clams. If you only did a search online or even in a library search you might miss this because of the “Title”: Health Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields.10   This is a protest letter by a leader in one of the most prominent professional engineering organizations in the world against indifference to the effects of electric and magnetic fields. I found it at the ITU Library, where I went through each and every article whose title even appeared relevant. As I have found, often times credible protests are buried inside of other articles or professional magazines.


The degree of interest in health effects of  power-frequency electric and magnetic fields reached a peak this year…Most EE textbooks on circuits, transmission lines, or distribution systems are silent on the issue.What could it be about increasingly pervasive electric and magnetic fields that could cause harm to humans? Well, the experts (especially those who are engineers) said the only effects to worry about are thermal effects.That is, the human body, as a mass of so many kilograms, can dissipate so much heat per unit surface…Never mind that the human body is composed of myriad cells and biological systems that are not yet well understood and whose proper functioning could be adversely influenced by the presence of fields. Never mind the variable effects that could be caused by dc vs. ac of various frequencies, or the effects of pulsed fields or modulated fields…Never mind any resonance effects that may be between such external fields and the fields inside the body. Never mind the body’s immune system might be disrupted in the presence of fields at different frequency and levels.
Heath Effects Id. at page 2

Quoting particularly an article by David Brodeur for the New Yorker
stating nothing posed “near as much of a risk to the search for truth about ELF electromagnetic fields as did the obfuscation of industry, the mendacity of the military, and the corruption of ethics that industrial
and military money could purchase from various members of the medical and scientific community.”
Health Effects Id. at page. 3.

In the mid 1990’s Rosalie Bertell, the award winning Canadian Public Health Campaigner with an interest in Wendy Cane’s report on experiments with mind control excerpted at this website, also sent me information from a couple of controversial sources. I walked for days around Geneva knocking on doors of human rights groups asking for information before I found out about Bertell. An article from The Spotlight, July 31, 1995, entitled “High Tech Civilian Control Studied. Secret Pentagon-Doj Memo of Understanding.” and goes on to talk about a $50 million dollar request by the Pentagon for a “Black program (i.e. secret)” that studied crowd control with “non-lethal weapons” which Steven Aftergood of FAS said “The very term ‘non-lethal’ or ‘less than-lethal’ weapons is misleading because many of these weapons, could, in practice, turn out to be lethal,”.  Aftergoods papers are published at the Fas.org website, the Federation of American Scientists (FAS – formerly the Manhattan Project) challenge the government on issues of pentagon secrecy, among many issues. 13

Steven Aftergood has also written a paper on Secrecy and Accountability in U.S. Intelligence that is online at FAS. They have a project on government secrecy.  The entire project is really too vague, but
I suppose they have to set limits to keep the funding coming in from supporters like the N.Y. Times. 14

Studies printed in the IEEE concerning studies of microwaves and possible negative date back to
at least 1980 when Charlotte Silverman wrote about  “Epidemiologic Studies of Microwave Effects”. It
included a study of American Embassy personal in the USSR. Specific health issues effected by this
exposure to microwave included  in ocular changes (vision), some nervous and behavioral effects,
and some congenital anomalies (birth defects). This isn’t the only study on the issue. 15 Many
documents are housed in the Gerald Ford Library.

The Wendy Cane article and links to the Gerald Ford library studies on microwave technology
are linked at my blog/research page.

In 1988, while I was researching Malaria treatments at the WIPO (World Intellectual Property
Organization), I found the first paper I had on Microwave Effects. It was a research paper from
Eastern Europe, where there have been a few studies. But in 1993 when I lived in Geneva and ate
breakfast with three British women who were interning at WHO, I was practically badgered by one of
them who told me that the official position of the WHO was that  there were no negative health effects
caused by microwave technology. The point being that even the people working at this organization
didn’t know about the study in the library and instead of having an uncensored informative discussion
about the facts, they firmly repeated the WHO official position. This radical indifference to facts, within
their own grasp, is part of an economic censorship. A self censorship because they accept the position
of their employer without question.

This isn’t a technical report. It is a report on lack of access and censorship. Several years ago I had to make the decision to quit this time consuming quest for  literature and get on with studying for the career I always wanted before it became too late.. It wasn’t until the last several months that I realized that the EU had commissioned a STOA Report and that the Echelon Resolution had been passed. I’m isolated without access to good literature or libraries, but as I look around the net at High Technology Law Journals, after decades, there still appears a lack of information about the possible medical effects.

3. Surveillance & Radical Indifference: Economic Censorship
Brief comments on new Satellite Associations: A Potential for Worsening Censorship

“At the first Geneva Summit in the summer of 1955 President Eisenhower presented the open
skies concept to Soviet representatives…In 1972, open skies was resurrected when NASA
launched the first Earth Resources Technology Satellite since renamed LandSat.” 16

In April 1988 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist had an informative short article on the historical beginning of the open skies policy: “Commercial satellites open skies: As commercial remote sensing systems improve and restraints on them are lifted, President Eisenhower’s idea of free information exchange and mutual space surveillance is finally becoming a reality- and not just for the superpowers” The Russians had announced
a satellite photo system with a five meter resolution. “Five-meter resolution is not only higher than that of
Landsat and Spot but it blurs the distinction between commercial and military satellite systems.”…The
political impact of commercial satellite remote-sensing systems is potentially great and may eventually
rival that of television and other recent forms of information technology. At present the defense
community and the media are most carefully examining the future uses of this media…” 17

The article goes on further about the restrictions and possibilities of the media uses of
satellite imagery, mentioning that as long as they did not have “real-time” capability
there was no threat to national security. A Mediasat had been studied at that time by
the Office of Technology Assessment’s report “Commercial News Gathering from Space”. 18


             It was this article that I used in my Federal Court case when I named the names of at
least two members of Congress who, “gave the appearance” of participating in a media generated
hazing. Those two members of Congress, I later found out had both had been on Committee for
the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment. This was in 1987, when Congress apparently was
using electronic eavesdropping and the media had the capability to integrate that electronic media
to create a process of manipulation, the Third Tier.             “Competition between nations should promote improvements in sensor capabilities,
such as spatial and spectral resolutions; in data products, such as floppy disks; and ultimately
even in price. It remains now only to determine how best to employee these systems in the
promotion of international peace and security” 19.

               This paper contends that these capabilities have advanced “rapidly” as the
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists predicted it would, but that it is not necessarily promoting
either international peace nor security.
                               Historic First Gathering of Satellite Chief Executives….

           September 10th, FinanzNachrichten, reported on the first meeting of what
has the appearance of being a potential consortium of satellite corporations that will
pull their power and resource to lobby business and government.  Already the Data Protection
policies put in place to protect Europeans are being hammered at by corporations lobbying
to break them down by bits and pieces.

This incident more than any other that I have read about in the last six months
since I’ve once again become active in advocacy with local government, has lead to my decision to write about the Third Tier of Tyranny, the ultimate manipulation.

Also, in reading the papers of the Working Groups giving decisions on data flow,
going into detail about “pull” and “push” systems, and for example “The purposes for which
the data will be used should be limited to fighting acts of terrorism…”, (Level of Protection
insured in the United States for the Transfer of Passenger Data – Opinion of the Article 29
working group), I  find the working group’s information incomplete and inaccurate based
on how the United States has already acted. The Third Tier, is about the lack of transparency
in the actions of the U.S. Government and secrecy in the use of records for the purpose
of manipulation.

The Third Tier of Tyranny
The Falling Domino Effect: Issues that are obstacles to effective resistance.

Parity is also part of the problem when talking about “transparency” and free debate. Particularly because it is easier to engage in various forms of discrimination and retaliation against women (and also men raising children alone, a minority group, or anyone who is vulnerable)  The European Court of Justice’s 2000 ruling that German women should be able to be employed in the military combat force does not solve the problem of parity. In the U.S., years after women became part of the combat force, there was recently a scandal about sexual misconduct in the Air Force. What was worse is that many women for years were told to shut up about it or voluntarily did not come out about it, that allowed this problem to escalate for years.

In my own experience, what is even worse, is that groups of women encourage keeping other women in fear, so that these usually older or established woman can keep their positions for financial security.  This system of peer pressure has to be shut down and disenfranchised because it creates an ongoing cycle that prevents “transparency” of the real obstacles to resistance to Tyranny. Governments rely on these groups to keep their own people in line.

Before there can be any realistic debate about the Third Tier of Tyranny it has to be made clear that the issues of parity, or how we as individuals treat people around us is connected to the success or failure in governments. or corporations’ ability to engage the Third Tier of Tyranny, manipulation. I only want to identify the issues that block successful resistance against the Third Tier, I choose not to get into a Nietzchien debate about who should be protected from whom. This paper is about creating ideas for successful resistance without fear, so the issues that block this must be laid out.
The Third Tier: Time-Matched Brainwashing
20th Century Technology  has no legal restraint or monitoring system because of the lack
of open debate about the precision in which it can be used and to what ends.

Many who read this following Essay on the Third Tier will dismiss it as fiction. Mine is a horror story.
For that reason, I find it very important that the history of the debates that have been “open debates on the
effects of  technology” be reviewed before I write my own personal experience with the Third Tier.

The Third Tier: Why it Works!
The Example of ELF, an open debate?

In 2003 what single factor enables the Third Tier to be carried out with great precision yet entirely covertly?

Quoting again an article by David Brodeur for the New Yorker stating nothing posed “near as much
of a risk to the search for truth about ELF electromagnetic fields as did the obfuscation of industry, the mendacity of the military, and the corruption of ethics that industrial and military money could purchase from various members
of the medical and scientific community . [emphasis added] ” Health Effects Id. at page. 3.

The single best example of why covert activities can continue is the example of the debate about
ELF and the cellular telephone. It is only because literature is becoming more available since the first
information I found in 1988, that I use this as the example of why the Third Tier can remain covert.

In an article entitled Children and Cell phones: Is there a health risk? The case for new precautions, by Don
Maisch, EM Facts Consultancy March 26, 2003, Mr. Maisch outlines the case presented by several
governments from 1999 (starting with the British) and including studies by the German Academy of
Paediatrics through a recent study in 2003 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency all concluding
that adverse health effects of microwaves to children and teens was serious enough to consider health
warnings on items sold or legislation. It was reported in 2002 by Microwave news that Dr. Gro Harlem
Brundtland then then head of WHO confirmed that children should be discouraged from using cellular
phones. That is approximately ten years after my debate with the British Interns at WHO.  Her stand
put her at odds with the WHO International EMF project. Lastly, according to the article Microwave
News caught Disney red handed in a marketing project with Motorola that appeared to counter a public
statement that they would not allow their characters to be used to sell cell phones.  The article concludes
rightfully, that the balance between health considerations and finance is not being struck, because of
the billions corporations have to conduct their campaigns.

The Microwave news, now on hiatus from publication, has as it’s front page story:
“WHO Flip-Flops on EMFs, Precautionary Principle Now Revoked” May/June 2003

The technology that we know, our governments have admitted are in use, from nano technology
to the FBI’s Magic Lantern (technology to decipher what you are typing in your computer), to
eavesdropping technology from satellite systems and black operations studies, have no such history
of study by the WHO or any other Government organizations for health risks. Nobody can state with
any certainty that health problems are not occurring from this proliferation of technology. Yet, in the
U.S. there is still  use of psych tropic drugs, threats of being labeled unstable (which leads to loss of
employment and in a State like Florida loss of children) and other threats that are not covert, for
speaking out and connecting a technological process to a medical condition.
The Third Tier: Time Matched Brainwashing
How it works.

I define Time Matched Brainwashing as when physical events around or near you match documents that
are somehow in the flow of electronic information, either news information or electronic records. Those
matched events can be either first or second tier. If they are second tier, meaning the information was
gathered “involuntarily” it can create confusion.

The events can happen in one of two ways, either manipulation in isolation with the use of electronic technology
or by using the public airways to engage in covert forms of hazing engaging other members of the community or
peers in forms of hazing. For example, this can be used to poison the jury pool in a jury court case and in general
engage the community in degradation of an individual.

The best way to describe my knowledge of the third tier is with events, dates and a timeline showing events or
documents that all matched. At the end of my lawsuit I had over 8,000 documents, a couple of volumes in the
federal courts and the evidence had not even been filed yet because it didn’t go to trial.

To Recap, the first tier of tyranny, data mining, is the physical gathering and storage of information either unknown
or known to the victim by one of many means. It is “voluntary” in that is was given to someone either by an individual
or someone else. It could have then been stored digitally in a system, like a wedding or death announcement or news
article is archived on microfiche and or in an electronic search system. For instance the newspaper I sued has a system
called LARS. What a coincidence, the same name as one of the “Press” contacts at ccc.de.

The second tier is more onerous. This is information gathering done “involuntarily” by the use of satellites or
other known electronic surveillance system. I concentrated on presenting evidence of this in my civil case.
There are some general books by Clarke on electronic surveillance and the law, but I am not specifically
writing here about surveillance that is being carried out by methods known to the public. In fact, in 1990 when
I filed an FOI with the City of Chicago Police Department, where I had an internal affairs complaint, they wrote
me back that my case was still under investigation by “methods not generally known to the public”. On the
way to Chicago I stopped to file a theft report in St. Louis, where I had been robbed. I went to a Federal
Courthouse and a Federal Officer asked me if I would like to camp in his backyard to hide from the newspapers.
When ask if he would sign an affidavit to that effect he said yes until he found out who I was suing.
I had not introduced myself even at that point. I had also just a week earlier been unable to call my home in
Florida without having the line switched to the location where the crew of the newspaper would have been
out drinking, Hooters. It showed up on my phone bills with the other phone calls I made in a matter of a few
minutes to my home in Florida. I had never called Hooters in my life, I also have a very bad memory for numbers
and dates. I could have never remembered the phone number even if I had. The line was definitely switched.
By the time I had gotten to Chicago I had been looted a few times. It was clear I was under some type of
roving surveillance that involved the newspapers. Later I was to come under eavesdropping surveillance by
the media that engaged members of the U.S. Congress, as I reported to the U.N. Human Rights Commission
in 1988, either wittingly or unwittingly, in publicity getting hazing. All of this was part of my civil action.


TimeLine for Personal Matching Data (1986-1995) & Curry vs. The Ledger
During this entire period I was under various levels of threats and intimidation’s on a daily basis.
Every single day…These facts are limited to what is relevant for this report:
The year a Polk County Sheriff is sued by both The Tribune & The Ledger, & subsequently was brought up on chages before a grand jury. Last day at paper, Jan 86 turned in my “employee” id & key to film office1986 April Homicide Witness, giving info to the Sheriff’s Department & two reporters

1986 May Last day at Hertz

1986 Summer roving surveillance & severe intimidation escalate

1986 I spent three days in a mental health center in Chicago after Chicago police refused to file a report of the theft of my portfolio, and told me because I had been involved with some guy I was getting what I deserved. I was left enclosed in a hot car and battered. In the next few months a class action against the Chicago police would be undertaken by all women
for routinely violating women’s rights.

1986 After being looted repeatedly, I make attempts to restore my portfolio by asking a former fellow photographer to buy copies of old papers. Some of us kept them for copy of
our newspaper clips. He told me I would never need my portfolio again. He asked me how would I like to be famous like Mary Ellen Mark? I reply to his question, I said I would like to shoot someone. Both this photographer and I belonged to a Society of Photographers at Daytona Beach, we were both familiar with her work. What made her famous was her
work in mental institutes and bordellos. I’m an aspiring film director, who is mostly known in central Florida for my action (sports photography) and I have no intention of ever doing that type of work. Further, I had just returned from Ohio University where Terry Eiler (a professor) had warned me that Mary Ellen Mark hardly was able to make a living at all. I didn’t know what the hell he was talking about until right at that moment I realized that they had acted on their threatened “plan or scheme” to blacklist.

1986 First of three related Police Reports. I was accused to threatening to kill someone at the Ledger and the information from my role as a witness at a homicide and informant to The Ledger’s reporter, a former colleague, was twisted.


During this entire period I was under various levels of threats and intimidation’s on a daily basis. Every single day.. This is limited to what is relevant for this report:1987
1987 filed EEOC Report for Retaliation against The LedgerFrom 1987 to 1988, I spent two years under severe electronic manipulation, described in the third tier
and under threat of re-institutionalization. The Chicago incident was used as a repeat threat and all the
FACTS of the incident were ignored, including that I had been trying to file a Victim’s Compensation Claim
and Internal Affairs claims and claim in City Hall, but since Mayor Washington fell over and died City Hall


was a mess. I didn’t know even where to start to find information or get claim forms.
1988 -19901988 – The Year 7 months abroad
1988 lived 7 months in Costa Rica & Europe did civil discovery for an alleged worldwide blacklist
Jan 1988 Ledger reruns the last photo of mine – Peace River Jan. 1988
1988 Filed a complaint at UN mentioning CNN & U.S. Congress using interactive eavesdropping technology1989
1989 filed Title 7 Action Federal Court
1990 Summer, Civil Lawsuit Discovery started at Federal Court


1990 Civil Rights Compromise Act signed,  Title VII litigants were granted a right to trial by jury
1991 – 1992
1991 Jan expected date of trial by jury (president vetoes bill & a few months later signs it)
1991-1992 Appeal for trial by jury
1993 Appeal to Supreme Court for retroactive application of the Civil Rights Law
1993 Summer in Geneva, writing briefs & finding documents
1994 State Proceedings in State of Illinois, Victims Compensation (which had been abated during the Federal Case)
1995-1996 Finished getting documents Sealed or Certified by Public & Private agents

Time Matched Brainwashing: Working in the State of Florida, Fear & Oppression
The Problems of Education and Communication.
In the hundreds of Pages of documents I have that are only for research and reference I managed to find one
old article entitled “Invasions of Privacy and Computer Matching Programs: A Different Perspective.” by
Rubin Cruse, in Computer-Law Journal, October 1992 pages 461-480. This was a look at the U.S.
Government’s earlier congressional hearings on computer matching, with citations
to the Office of Technology (OTA Federal Government Information Technology: Electronic Record Systems
and Individual Privacy) reports on the issue and the Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law No. 93-579.
I only only have the first page, but for decades that the U.S. Government is aware of the terrible dangers
of the uses of computer matching. Literature examining that fact is abundant. Now that surveillance technology and
interactive technology have been combined I contend we face the threat of  new forms of  Slavery,
Prostitution and other forms of blackmail coming out of these combined uses of technology. Here,
because the general public is not educated on the basic problems of computer matching, conversations at
a problem solving levels about the more advanced issues of  human rights and the technology is not possible.

Decades ago a few prominent sources examined the development of a “technocratic monopolization of power.” 20

“It is not unknown for two scientists or two technologies in different fields to be lacking
in the facility to communicate with each other. If this inability to communicate within their
own closed circles continues to extend to the area of communications between the scientists and
the technologists and the great mass of the people, we may arrive at a point where the world is
dominated by a technological elite, with the people unquestioningly obedient because they
lack the knowledge to disagree with any authority.”

E/CN/4/1199 page 28

This meeting also undertook to offer solutions to the problem of the lack of understanding and
education by the public. Putting part of the burden on the scientific community to explain their work
in terms that would be understandable to the general public.
The Third Tier: Time Matched Brainwashing
When & Where & Why
From 1986 to 1988 I was under constant threat of re-institutionalization,  during my lawsuit in 1990-1991
the defense counsel filed a motion for a mental exam based in part on false statements by their Defense Counsel,
who formerly had been the clerk of the Magistrate who that Motion was presented to. Finally, we get to the
way the Federal Government was manipulating electronic data that had the end result of denying Justice
in this caseThat is clearly an indicator of how they will mishandle other computerized data.

I could write volumes of material about the Third Tier. Each incident has dozens of  related documents, all
are tied together to propel incidents forward. Although it won’t appear that way right now, to be less
controversial and work towards making my point, I’m limiting this to two or three incidents, starting with the
incident with the most concrete connection to this case. Even then I’m limiting that to certain facts.

I didn’t have access to the internet or Lexus/Nexus or any other system. My lawsuit was researched the
old fashioned way, in the law library and with books that the Law Librarians were throwing out so they
allowed me to pick them up for free, hundreds of them.

Manipulation at the Federal Courthouse:
Electronic Match is in Purple
Physical Event is in Blue
By 1990 discovery had been finished on this civil case. During the course of the six months of Discovery
the newspaper’s law firm hired both clerks out from under the two Judges on this case. The ex-clerk went on
to give a statement, which the law firm filed and presented with that former clerk present, to attempt to
get a Motion for a Mental Exam. The Magistrates denied the motion. The 9th circuit, a few years later, was
one of the first federal courts to ban hiring clerks from the Federal Courts to work on cases as a conflict
of interests. The federal court was so overworked and slow downed by a combination of factors, including
this manipulation of the court by the Press, that they brought in a visiting Judge. The circuit court
in Eastern Virginia is knicknamed the rocket docket. It is said they decide cases quickly on the toss
of the dice. The Judge brought in was Robert Mehridge. My mother has been in one federal lawsuit in her
entire life. It was a class action that was ruled on by Robert Mehridge. I know as a fact it was not a coincidence.
At one point in the lawsuit I decided to talk to one of the four attorneys on the case about the electronic
surveillance. She didn’t deny it was going on, she just said there are some things we just don’t talk about.
She was a Magistrate’s former Clerk.
CNN & Interactive Feedback
 At time when there were no woman photographers on staff, I was making the front page of the newspaper.
I was a part time photographer and REPRINT person who made the front page several times by going
after projects on my own initiative. They weren’t tea parties, but homicides & local news (Footnote 21).

In 1988, after I filed the EEOC complaint claiming an international blacklist,  I had to
undertake action to secure proof.   There wasn’t a chance I could afford an expert witness.
I hoped with my background in tourism I could go on a hunt for information, I was right.

 The first country I flew to was Costa Rica, free on frequent flier miles. Before I went there I had looked
around and concluded that if the Times was really capable of an international blacklist they would show
their hand there, because Oscar Arias had just won the Nobel Peace Prize. I have personal knowledge
of one “personality trait” of this news group, they are arrogant to their own detriment. They will
manipulate people in power when given a chance.  Two Costa Rican newspapers REPRINTED
a New York Times news article about Arias when I was living there. That and the fact that I
was rescued by Radio Costa Rica, out of the blue, on my return from a U.N. Refugee Camp,
made me pretty sure that The Times wasn’t kidding.  But, that wasn’t enough for the courts.
My next trip that year was to Switzerland in 1988, because the intimidation & surveillance were
escalating when I returned home to Florida. That trip is in the “cookbook” (strangled chicken).

CNN carried on a huge publicity getting charade, certainly anyone who believes Ted Turner is
beyond this, needs to get some help! Timed with my incidents of letter writing to specific persons
for publicity (the particular agency or interview time for members of Congress).
This was timed to a tee.

In the Federal Courts a lawsuit served on the wrong party is sometimes called “defective”.  I was
struggling hard, completely alone, realizing after discovery that The New York Times
should have been served because of their role in filing libel at the IRS. The New York Times had their
in house Attorney sign the Reply to my initial Pleading along with The Ledger’s attorneys.  I filed a request
and paid a fee to the State of Florida to get a copy of The New York Times Corporate Record.  Not just the
day, but within the hours it arrived by U.S. Mail, Catherine Crier announced her departure from CNN for
another network. The person I should have served at the New York Times was Catherine Darrow.
She was their registered agent. Catherine Crier is a former judge from Texas. As I have already written, the
courts were aware of both the electronic surveillance and the manipulation.  Yes, to some degree
CNN was providing some sort of covert warning system. This time and several others.

Besides Catherine Criers talk show, in August of 1990, I was watching CNN’s Sonya Live,
 with Dr. Sonja Friedman, the psychologist.

It seems obvious that some privacy violations and basic human rights violations were taking place, but what
was concerning me more at the time was an escalation in violence directly related to the ongoing hazing that
this flow of information actually was encouraging, in a game playing atmosphere. I predicted that this flow
of information would end violently and it did.  There were a few incidents of violence, including timed
attacks on my home that were reported to the Sheriff.
The Personal Irony: Don’t Believe What you Can’t See

There is a significant difference between me and someone else who might have noticed the matching electronic records,
I’m sensitive to certain radio waves and have been since I was a child. The first incident I remember questioning this
was when my Jewish girlfriend had a birthday party, I slid off the hay ride a few hundred yards before the end. It had
started to thunder, I was certain the horses weren’t going home. They didn’t. The ride fell into a wire fence
after the horses went out of control. I also had been attacked by a Swan after finding her baby’s nest when I was a girl.
I can’t remember whether that was after or before this, because I was more sensitive to frightened animals after that.

That was only the first of many incidents, later I would notice it more when the incident was attached to a death.

By the time I had gotten my first job out of college directing and selling commercials, I was aware but not convinced
that this was related to some type of electronic record. Until, I met a young lady who I felt was about to die. Two
days later her boyfriend kidnapped her and her friends, and shot her in the back. She apparently had a restraining
order against him. After that I started to pay attention to whether there was some type of electronic record or any
record that could be repeated over a radio frequency. I saw the evolution of a pattern. I also quit the best job of
my life, in a panic. I’ll never do that again. I will speak out aggressively whenever I see this type of violence coming.

I sometimes feel that people who use computers have a handicap, they need the computer to know there is
a computerized record. Usually, I know there is a record and have hunches where to find the pattern.
Again, these extreme incidents are rare and not frequent.

This isn’t a statement against my government, I’ll save that for elsewhere. I am not making any presumptions about
how this technology is being used. I am not saying I am the subject of some government experiment. My mother worked
as a secretary for some top secret office of the Navy in Washington before she met my dad. I could probably make up some
story of government corruption. It really doesn’t matter to me at all. I don’t ever read the stories I see online of people claiming
they were the subject of a government experiment. I don’t personally find my government that smart! What matters is that I know and understand how my world around me works so I can function as an intellectual and artist. I consider this a phenomenon of the new technology. I was alone as a child, but in the future there will be many more anomalies in children of what has already become a technocratic century.
Being Edited….
The Third TierThe Records Match and other Matching Data
in the case of Danny Rollins and the Gainesville, Florida murders.
This isn’t the best example of the third tier, but if patterns like these continue, it is the most important.

August 28 & 29th on was going to Tampa.  On the morning of August 28th, I woke
up with a nightmare with the image of Tiffany Sessions and more dead bodies. Before I even heard the news, I
knew that there were more dead women in Gainesville. On the way to Tampa that morning I listened to Ailene
Cunningham on the Radio, doing a special live talk show. She is a resident self-proclaimed psychic. She was talking
to someone telling them their child was a sensitive, or something close to that. In Tampa, the first thing I did was
to go to the public library to read the newspaper. After finding out the names of the victims, I looked up and
printed out the 10K of the Time/Life corporation they had just merged with CNN. That was the morning that
the press printed the story of the murder of Sonya Larson.

August 26th, 1990 was the first of five murders over the next three days in Gainesville, Danny Rollins would be
convicted in the deaths. “The marker memorializing the five Gainesville students murdered in 1990 was found Monday night lying near the SunTrust Bank on 43rd Street. The marker, which sat underneath the painted memorial on the 34th Street wall for more than a year, apparently was left near the bank for more than a month.” Wednesday, October 13th, 1999, The Independent Florida Alligator Online. Showing the Plaque, “We Remember” Sonja Larson, Christina Powell, Christa…

I’ve never read anything about this case since that day. I don’t like to follow these stories, unless I hear something on
the radio or tv. I don’t have any doubt Rollins was under the influence of many different things. Because of my own
experience with an attempted rape, I believe strongly these technologies have lead to a “choice of victim” influenced
by technology. My assailant was convinced that my goverment had a contract with his to get women in the military pregnant
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only German I heard this from. It also came from a German woman interning after Law School in Geneva, she was going to Japan after Geneva. This more than likely happens beyond the control or even the direct
knowledge of the perpetrator who is affected by this technology. (See also, the Cookbook “Strangled Chicken a la orange”).
It isn’t what my government is or is not doing that matters, what matters is that this is what the assailant believed,
probably because of conditioning, through different forms of converging technology.

During Discovery I requested The Ledger produced documents. The Ledger produced a document that was
       correspondence between the newspaper management and the local Museum Curator, Mr.RollinsThe museum
has a hall of Ledger photos, the newspaper never had a woman on staff and so the museum – as does the
history of art – reflected a chauvinistic view of the aart world. I wrote a protest letter, as I always do.
At least I’m not wearing a Gorilla Suit (There is a group of women artists who protect sexism in the
arts, particularly in exhibitions in large museums and in funding, behind masks).

The news industry as a standard uses each others discovery and also works together on litigation tactics
through organizations like the Libel Resource Center. Before this litigation, in an entirely seperate series
of events, that did have to do with my investigation of the news industry’s sexism, particularly in the photography
divisions, I did some investigation of  the Time Corporation. That was brought about by someone a combination
of Eddie Adams having said something about his coordination of the Olympic Events for Time,  a statement he
made to me about applying for an internship at Sports Illustrated, and something someone at Ohio University did
to try to tell my that I could just keep on getting internships forever .

I had also actually shown the homicide photos, I had given to the Sheriff’s Department, in an photography/art
class at the University at Gainesville. A professor let me show part of my documentary to her art class. There
are some other connections here that I might just write in here later.
There are a few facts, one in particular, I am leaving out because they could instigate
retaliation against other innocent people in Germany, a young girl.

 During the entire proceeding there was ongoing electronic surveillance and as I described in my brief
to the Supreme Court synchronized feedback, that in fact a part of my lawsuit.
The court refused to dismiss this civil actions based on objections by the defense counsel to those allegations.
That public airways were used to engage in covert hazing was at least mentioned in my lawsuit.


I haven’t attempted to make a ironclad case for the Third Tier. What I’ve tried to do is to make it clear that
this information is in the hands of many different people. Unless those people find a place to coordinate it,
as in the form of a “Cookbook” we will never be able to find out the extent of the truth or falsity of the
Third Tier. Unless the number of events occurring, particularly those that end in escalating violence,
are reported no legislation can be formed.

The European Parliament’s Commissioned Study, the STOA Report has many footnotes to articles that
have reported about elements of the third tier.


1 Foot

“Information Technology and Dataveillance” by Roger Clarke Communications of the ACM, May 1988,
Volume 31, Number 5.Clarke’s first 3 paragraphs, the first sentence in each.:                                      Paragraph 1: Concern about Freedom from Tyranny is a trademark of democracy
 Paragraph 2: Surveillance is one of the elements of Tyranny
                                     Paragraph 3: The computer has been accused of harboring a potential for increased  surveillance
                                                        of the citizen by the state, and the consumer by the corporation.
2 Feet       “Consideration of the Relationship Between Scientific and Technological Developments and Human
        Rights in the United Nations Human Rights Fora” by Yo Kubota, Human Rights Officer, United Nations
        Centre for Human Rights. Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol. 56, 1987, Pages 334-355 at 349

3 Feet        Consideration, Id. at 334

4 Feet        Consideration,  Id. at 343

5 Feet        Consideration,   Id. at 344

6 Feet         Consideration, Id. at 354

7 Big Feet 
8 Feet       “Commercial Opportunities for Earth Observation from Space” by CP Williams (President) Earth
                  Observation Satellite Company from the Proceedings of IGARSS 1986 Symposium in Zurich.
                  Section entitled Commercial Opportunities presented by Land Remote Sensing Information; &
                  Prospects for the 21st Century. The first being Data Distribution.  This has particular platform “either
                  synchronous or polar orbiting” have “a capability of providing effective, economical results for
                  scientific experiments….”  Paper found at the International Telecommunications Union Library,
                  Geneva Switzerland.

 9 Feet     Article, “News Media Satellites and the First Amendment: A Case Study in the Treatment of New
                  Technologies” by Robert P. Merges and Glenn H. Reynolds. 1987 High Technology Law

10 Feet    Article, “SSIT PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Health Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields”
               by Norman Balabanian, Syracuse University IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, September
               1989. Volume 8, number 3. Pages 2-3.

11 Feet    Health Effects, Id at page 2

12 Feet    Health Effects, Id at page 3

13 Feet  Article, High-Tech Civilian Control Studied: Secret Pentagon-Doj Memo of Understanding
                The Spotlight. July 1995 1A

14 Feet  Secrecy and Accountability in U.S. Intelligence by Steven Aftergood. Director, Project on Government
 Secrecy. Federation of American Scientists. October 9, 1996.

15 Feet   Epidemiologic Studies of Microwave Effects by Charlotte Silverman, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol.
               68, No.1, January 1980. Pgs. 339-345

16 Feet   Article“Commercial satellites open skies: As commercial remote-sensing systems improve and
                restraints on them are lifted, President Eisenhower’s idea of free information exchange and mutual
                space surveillance is finally becoming a reality and not just for the superpowers” by David T. Lindgren.
                Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, April 1988Pages 34-37

17 Feet    Commercial Satellites. Id. at pg. 34.

18 Feet    Commercial Satellites. Id. at pg 37.

19 Feet     Commercial Satellites, Id. at pg. 37

20 Feet       United Nations Committee Notes,  Scientific and Technological Developments and Human
                   Rights, E/CN.4/1199 page 28

20 Feet      The biggest disgrace at the Times was Max Frankel and his cronyism. Frankel was
                   the Executive Editor.

                    10/25/1990 USA Today, “Insiders [column] Behind the scenes in the world of business”:
                   “Frankel’s remarks on blacks draw fire”  Page 2B, 10/25/90 USA Today

                   “Frankel said: “I know when a woman screws up, it is not a political act for me to fire her
                   …I can’t easily say that with some of our blacks. If they were less than good I would probably
                   stay my hand at removing them too quickly.”…

                   The same article noting his comments on women reporters:  “Frankel said more women
                   would make the front page if the Times covered ladies teas.”

How many more film feet before we have enough for a 100 minute movie? Vivre dans la peur, c’est comme vivre à moitié;  To live with fear, is a life half lived.
Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann.

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