the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost)
©Pamela Jean Curry All Rights Reserved
Now more relevant than ever, I broadly define the Issue of Data Mining , where you can find
out more, and why you should support the Moratorium on Data Mining & demand Congressional hearings!
Nowhere but here, this is not a rehash of what other activists organizations are writing about Data Mining.
15 years ago I brought a lawsuit against a major news organization with a novel issue, electronic surveillance
using satellite systems and post-employment blacklisting using electronic records. (Pages 1 and 2 from the
official court transcript of my pretrial hearing in a U.S. Federal Court Civil Case in 1991 – This is where issues that will
be part of the legal proceedings at trial are resolved in advance of trial). I had examined the
cases of other women against the newspaper industry. I decided a plaintiff could not really win in the long run
and decided to bring a lawsuit against them for the “Process” they engaged in as a Retaliation. The transborder
flow of personal computerized information as a form of retaliation, when the computerized information
was originated with manipulation from that media organization. That action had the “effect” of making me
a target for violence, combined with other technologies the “effects” are of widespread deprivation of rights.
More resources reporting on digital rights.
Democracy is dead, this is the worst of times for intellectuals, particularly women, in the United States. The
so called “lynch mob” mentality prevails. An absolute arrogance that no other country is the world could
be as good as this one is evident in every aspect of the media, they are running their own propaganda war. This
hurts particularly people with valid claims of abuse. The status of women is deteriorating, particularly in the
intellectual content. The state of creative arts is low, reality television serves the end purpose of wearing down
the publics empathy for real victims and not the victims that the press wants to shine publicity on. “Only Victims”
like the name of Robert Vaughn’s book on blacklisting is back in force. Not only silencing people, but denying
they are being silenced is a common occurrence. These links to FCC letters under seal of the FCC and the
FBI letters have frequently been accessed at my website. The FCC letters can be judicially noticed, they talk
about the technical ability of satellites to intercept what you are typing on your computer long before the
FBI acknowledged the use of the Magic Lantern prograqm.
Don’t just sign a petition, take action. Write a recipe, start a “Cookbook” submit it to your representative
in the U.S. Congress. Ask that those who are watching us, whose only obligation is to watch not act, be put under
scrutiny. Support the Data Mining Moratorium Bill: The Bill EFF Petition
Thanks to the CDC/Hachtivismo for hosting my rants & news posts while I was writing this and the paper,
December 2003. I appeared to be having some burnout mid 1993 to the end of 1993, which this helped me over
(notice the new fonts and even some sound at this website?). Back to work.
C ookBook for Data Miners
The New Constructivism:
1 clear pyrex bowl
1 cup of water
1 drop of blue dye
1 50 watt bulb
1 glow light stick
Combine all ingredients, stir with straw
Scan at 300 dpi, progressive JPG
Serve while hot
Just like this graphic, your personal data will not be what it appears after cooking.
The Key Words being: Electronic input (data from surveillance or mining-records collected)
1 Transborder Flow
9Event = situation created (i.e., lost employment, homicide, car accident, flat tires in the
mall parking lot, seeing a double at a strategic time of day)
0Nullification of Self-Determination and
aGlobal Conditioning
Entree:Strangled Chicken a Là Orange
Dessert: Blackened Wedding Cake
Vegetable: A Simple Salad
Warning: Don’t over Cook. This is NOT about Conspiracy Theories. This is about computers out of control that interact with electronic systems, and perhaps lazy, if not stupid individuals who input data without caring about the outcome. The Prime barrier to completing this Global Cookbook is that most people don’t want to reveal the private details of their life, but without those specifics an accurate picture of how much government or corporate manipulation is being accomplished with electronic data will never be revealed. I would say both governments and corporations are counting on that. This is also cyclical. As with defending a court libel case, like mine, the best defense is finding something out about the other guy. MIT has started a data base in protest to TIA, Total Information Awareness, that holds rumors about public officials without granting them the right of rectification.
Data Mining & Matching,
Data Surveillance & Time-Matched BrainwashingAs of December 2003 the general public in the U.S., and I would guess most nations, is still very much in the dark about the extent to which these 3 Tiers of Tyranny will effect them. I attribute this to a continuing emphasis on preventing the actual Mining of Data with a great deal of publicity concerning the issue AND to the absolute silence in the last 17 years, some of which has been forced silence, concerning the extent of the capabilities of governments to use satellites to manipulate human behavior, how this information will be put to use. You can change this by publicizing at your own sites your own “Recipes” for Tyranny, a Global Cookbook. Storytelling to give future generations the power of knowledge. Professionals of conscience and credibility who have spoken out about this issue in the last two decades are in the minority. I attribute this to the actual use of economic sanctions against those who do speak out with success. The phrase Time-Matched Brainwashing is my own, after over a decade of writing about Data Mining in the courts and protesting to human rights organizations I’ve found that many technical experts and human rights activists are limited in their ability to explain the effects and process of “synchronized electronic technologies” or as I describe them Time-Matched Brainwashing. “Electronic Data”. Believe me, from here it just gets better and better…
I was deported by an extremely unusual Officer in Internal Affairs. He was bearded, heavy set, not in uniform, and told me he worked with Greenpeace, sometimes to the chagrin of his fellow officers. I remember only his name was Art. He was in the Internal Affairs Division. I’ve not had an interest in finding out more about the Chaos Computer Club, the Largest organization of computer hackers in Europe known for their work finding security holes at NASA in the 1980’s, until last spring when I researched online and found pictures of Wau Holland and read his comments about Greenpeace. Art, at that time bore a resemblance to Wau, it is uncanny, that was a recent discovery since the last several months that I’ve been searching for matching data on the internet.
undergo evaluation for alcoholism
I entered Europe that year, and in 1993, on Iceland Air at Luxembourg, getting a three day Visa through France from Steffen and went on to Geneva. I was carrying a Credit Card with an affidavit from my mother that I could use it. It was a Chase Manhattan Credit Card. As an additional fact, I had once been mis-matched in a blind Date with a Treasurer, I think, from Chase in New York by friends who make a living doing business in Germany. In Geneva I stayed at church sponsored home for young women, I wasn’t that young. The anomaly here is that I found this place on my own. It was directly next to a church with a tower. As 2nd generation tourism I had a small collection of unique posters at home in Florida, in my bedroom. With only one of Europe. It was produced by SwissAir. It was a turquoise abstract poster of the City of Geneva, Switzerland with one outstanding feature: the same church tower I lived across the way from. I was nearing the end of a six month research trip in Europe doing discovery about Data Surveillance. The Scandinavian countries had some of the first laws in Europe on Data Protection. The United Nations was in the process of putting a report on Data Protection through the process of becoming a U.N. Resolution. I found the report with practically no help from anyone, just by going through the U.N. Human Rights Documents at the Palais in Geneva. I had also lost more than 30 pounds, could barely afford to eat and was often sleeping in the streets. I had NO IDEA AT ALL of what I was looking for when I went to Geneva, finding the report that would give me my retaliation count was a complete surprise. I expected only to get information from the ITU, International Telecommunications Union. In Hamburg I entered a building in a row house, towards the back was a room with two teenagers one who explained how the media had turned on them, how their work had been taken away. He gave me a loaf of bread, I was starving and broke. I was carrying a news article from Bonn entitled: German Computer Hobbyists Rifle NASA’s Files, Bonn, September 15th, 1987. I believe it was given to me by someone in Bonn at the Press Building, with the name of Steffen Wernery. I left a copy of the ACM article entitled: “Information Technology and Dataveillance” Communications of the ACM, May 1988, Volume 31, Number 5, with Andy. This year and in the years ahead Clarke’s first 3 paragraphs, the first sentence in each, in this article will come back to haunt us all: Paragraph 1: Concern about Freedom from Tyranny is a trademark of democracy I was subsequently deported from Denmark but when I returned to the U.S., where I was under constant harassment by the local Sheriff’s Department, I found that the name of the Officer in Charge of the Sheriff’s Station in my District was a “Major Cross”. There is a large amount of other facts, over 8,000 pages of documents from my lawsuit, concerning this particular incident but the fact of the matter is I believe that the Transborder Information Flow incited the incident in Denmark, I was lead to believe that by both the Danish police and by my assailant, as well as others.
ELECTRONIC RECORD with reference to a homicide. NO ELECTRONIC RECORD of my role as witness & photographer at the scene. POLICE RECORD SUPPLEMENTED after Civil Litigation Discovery With the proposed TIA, Total Information Awareness, you will not know that the government has your records. You will not have the right to correct your records, even if they are not police reports. They can COOK your records to include or exclude anyting they want. Including an incident where you acted on your civic duty but perhaps appeared in a record in a bad light. |
1987 copy of Die Datenschleuder was picked up in Hamburg, Germany at Chaos in 1988. Chaos provides ongoing educational seminars and information to it’s members.
If you just came out of an abusive relationship, while working in an atmosphere of extreme sex discrimination (extreme – another girl with a big chest was heard to be called a cunt in the all male photography department at the newspaper), and you didn’t speak a word of German, Would you want to meet these guys? NO WAY! Instead I dated an attempted rapist/murderer.
EDRI, This European Digital Rights Organization Publishes a Newsletter that summarizes changes, proposed changes
and backlash to proposed changes in Digital Rights Laws.Risks Digest by Peter Neumann after a decade still is a good resource for information on the Inside Risks of misuse of Digital Information, pro and con, for and against Hackers and so forth. His column
is or was published in the Publications of the Association for Computer Machinery.
The December 3rd 2003 issue telling how the State of California is using satellites to shut down Tanker Trucks is a prime example of why I love this repot!Film Studio Faux’s Hi Tech page and letters from the FCC concerning the eavesdropping capability of Satellites has been at the top of Internet Search Engines on issues of technology abuse for a few years now.
The STOA Report on technologies of Political Control A Report Commissioned by the European Parliament that is well footnoted and includes references by such American scholars as Harlan Girard who has spoken out for decades for a U.N. Convention against Microwave Technology.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation©Pamela Jean Curry, All Rights Reserved. December 2, 2003. Dedicated to Eddie, who died too young. We have as a society an obligation to give our children and peers a better understanding of their world and how technologies have developed to change it, to uncover and name those who would keep us in darkness.
Website Copyright, Pamela Jean Curry 2022 All Rights Reserved