The Ruby Teal by Pamela jean Curry/Filmmaker


     The Teal Ruby” was a communications satellite designed to test the use of lasers between ground stations and orbiting satellites.  Quoted from a Dictionary of Space by Malcolm Plant. Throw in the dumb blond factor , webmaker Pamela, and I have created “Ruby Teal“.   Big beautiful rocks are hard to find!  If you have not seen it the link is Ruby Red.  Surf the Links.   Find valuable info in book excerpts , book quotes , a bibliography of resources on technology abuse, or see my old  film portfolio, and now in production the Proof-Rock Public Documents as Evidence .  To prepare for my move to L.A. this page is being edited, industry insider notes. Website: Copyright 1998, Pamela Jean Curry


Studio Faux, Parody of Motion Picture Film Studio Training/Alternative LearningFilm
Studio Biz Editorial ToyzLicensing   CinemaFX  RubyTealCensorship  Federal Documents 
SiteMap  Sound   RunningSPFX  Watts Knew    Technology Abuse  Pamela’s Portfolio


Thank You Sweden!    Thank You Switzerland!
Rock Censorship
  1998 We’ve moved Film Studio Faux: Parody of motion picture film studio training & an ongoing training exercise in filmmaking.ART FOR SALE, Prints:  Salvatore Pinto

1998 is the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations link) . Although, this has meant little to the many who have found those rights are still just a “dream” on paper!

 Feb. 18, 1997, U.S. Supreme Court holds that “former” employees can bring civil rights actions under Section 704 (a) of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Statutes 257, as amended 42 U.S.C. 2000e-3(a), overturning the opinion of the 4th Circuit sitting en banc in Robinson v. Shell Oil Company!         “I told you so”…Pamela Curry

    In 1988 I backpacked through a dozen countries in seven months, having Geneva, Switzerland as my base.   During that time I researched for a NOVEL civil rights action based on what was only a study in a U.N. Committee.   By the set date of my trial by jury that study had been adopted as a United Nations Resolution.   That Resolution set standards for the transborder flow of personal information through computers.   In my case I used that resolution to lay a foundation for a civil action alleging electronic transmission of false and misleading personal information across international borders, allegedly endangering my life amongst other documented allegations.  This is an alleged form of post-employment retaliation.

     During those travels I also documented in film that as an alleged fact persons, including children, were being manipulated by electronic media.   In the picture I took above, at a shelled out theater in Hamburg, Germany, I had no conversation with any of these children.   I cannot believe, because of actions surrounding this event, they were not electronically manipulated to this place.   An alleged related pattern emerged.  Before I had taken this trip to Hamburg I travelled to Brussels, Belgium to request research data from NATO.   The use of electronic manipulation was allegedly the same there.  Relative to my civil case’s foundation were alleged inactions by law enforcement agents, with serious consequence, allegedly because of a media generated, previously threatened blacklist.

     Pause to think, as last year citizens of Belgium took to the streets to protest the fact that the police allegedly ignored parents whom were seeking their abducted children before they were found dead.   Additionally, they protested the method by which the Judges are appointed.   There is a legitimate connection between these alleged transborder transmissions and manipulation by international corporations that have, through mergers & acquisitions, large holdings in both satellite technologies & broadcast media.  Corruption, unfortunately, has not been isolated to the Country of Belgium.

     Blacklisting for alleged post-employment retaliation or any other reasons, allegedly primarily economic control, has a long history worldwide.   This site documents information often suppressed about blacklisting and new technologies. 
 To read more about the history of blacklisting in the 1950’s in America ask your librarian for these books: Fear on Trial by John Henry Faulk;   Only Victims by Robert Vaughn (A study of show business blacklisting by a Ph D, activist & actor in The Man from UNCLE);   The Political Blacklist in the Broadcast Industry by Karen Sue Foley;   and a published “Report on Blacklisting” by John Cogley. Cogley writes:   “An analytical survey of the methods of blacklisting during the McCarthy era, notes that in Radio and Television blacklisting began in a blaze of publicity and became an institution in secrecy.”   Page 22.   “Great care was taken to avoid the charge of conspirary” at page 67.   “Defamation and interference with business relations (boycotts) although actionable torts, could not be effective causes of action against boycotts in a free enterprise system.” at page 107.
1992, in the book, Film Finance & Distribution, a dictionary of terms by John W. Cones, Motion Picture Film Attorney, lists “Blacklist” and “Blacklisting” as terms to define forms of retaliations for threatening to sue in the film industry.  Defining a “Blacklist” as “A list of persons with whom business is not to be conducted or who are not to be hired” and further telling the reader to “see ‘Discrimination’, ‘Problem Producer’, and ‘Sue Us’….’Buchwald Case’ “. Buchwald, who did not make a living in the film industry, in a breach of contract suit, after winning,
challenged Paramount’s method of determining “net profits”, paying their own entities first.
Attorney Cones further suggests under “Sue Us” that independent film producers create associations to monitor unfair business practices (see “Lobbyists”).

Variety, The International Entertainment Weekly, Sept. 9-15, 1996 ran articles following up on the children of the blacklist. “Pinko stinko, 50 years later, reported that “Sony finally announced this year that all future prints of Columbia’s ‘Lawrence of Arabia” will bear blacklisted screenwriter Michael Wilson’s name as well as Robert Bolt’s” amongst other injustices not undone to this date.

Article 19, has a publication and writes The World Report, which is about worldwide censorship by country. In 1988 Kevin Boyle wrote: “The greatest dangers to freedom of expression in the USA today stem from the federal government’s preoccupation with national security. Under these banners, the executive branch has widened government secrecy while resuming surveillance of dissidents and placing unprecedented restrictions on the media…”  If I find their address online I will ad a link here!

INDEX ON CENSORSHIP 7/1992, Reported in an article entitled “Festival Furore” Human Right’s Watch Annual Film Festival had “difficulty” in showing a film about the USA, Damned in the USA, with other films including some that had been censored around the world.  At page 16..

*Censorship Files, Classic cases on censorship in every medium worldwide.
Submit your case! 
    Submitted Files: Pamela jean Curry, Film Artist, Alleged censorship- A Novel Civil Case.

FILM STUDIO FAUX’S MIRROR OF Pamela jean Curry’s censorship file at the FileRoom!

The Censorship Files in Spain, in Spanish
Banned Books On-Line and more links, maintained by Carnegie-Mellon.

DISINFORMATION, Banned Books, Page of Links

Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Archives, Search “Censorship” 

“Cipher”, Privacy & Security. Electronic Newsletter of the Technical Committee in Security and Privacy. A technical committee of the computer society of the I.E.E.E. (security, privacy, crypto reports/news&papers/conference dates).

Proposed U.N. Declaration of Scientific Responsibility in Relation to Nuclear Weaponry, Your Opinion is recorded here.! For your information: The U.N. passed a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty on September 10th, 1996 , it is now up to individual nations to sign this treaty.

     The author of the above Declaration of Scientific Responsibility has written a number of books about advances in technology. Some include documented theories about blacklisting (this writer’s words) as censorship. As well as a Professor he is a Judge on the World Court at the Hague. as of 2006 Weermantry, a 79-year-old Sri Lankan judge, who was Vice President of the United Nations International Court of Justice, has won the 2006 UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Prize for Peace Organization. Judge Christopher Gregory Weeramantry, Excerpts from “The Slumbering Sentinels

     As of September 24, 1996 President Clinton added the United States as a signatory to this treaty. All nations with nuclear weaponry must sign for this Treaty to be effective. (literal Link to CNN)

  * Federation of American Scientists, F.A.S., a Project on U.S. Government Secrecy. Particularly what the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is reading and writing about the Internet. Strategic Assessments and Cyberspace security. Search “DOD Internet”; or see What’s New on their home page from the Project on Government Secrecy.

Commentary C.S.I.S., The Canadian Security Intelligence Service’s online publication.   This publication was rated in #63 of the F.A.S. Secrecy and Government Bulletin as very good because of the C.S.I.S. policy of openness in public reporting.  But then again, some F.A.S. projects are funded by the media and the organization itself was started by scientists from the “Manhattan Project”.   Lady Macbeth did not wash her hands this much!

  Synchaos? Will creative destruction become a 21st century leitmotif? Check out this short paragraph for more on isolation tanks.

Greenpeace International Homepage – Greenpeace also publishes a BiMonthly Magazine. Sept/Oct 1989, “Corporate Crimes against Nature…crime in the suites” is one of my favorite articles. 
1997 MONITORS: A Journal of Human Rights & Technology?, Issue One is Now Online!
Electronic Rights Server, Including Global Internet Liberty Coalition & Privacy International
Project Censored. Censored news stories& you can file one here ! (I don’t recommend their links)
Bibliography . Scholarly resources about advancements in science & technology, and related human & civil rights issues.   Targeted at beginners.   This includes references to blacklisting in the 1990’s as a form of censorship.      Human Rights: “Know Them, Demand Them”, U.N. World Human Rights Conference 1993 Vienna, Austria, their motto.



   High Treason, an original screenplay by Pamela Jean Curry, is still being written.   I’m developing storyboards for special effects and idea presentation.   As a filmmaker and aspiring motion picture film director, my ambition has not been daunted by threats and repeated violence.
   “High Treason” action/adventure /political intrigue.  I am also continuing my film studies independently.   The only online film link I have here is Cyber Film School Movie Production Resource where I have contributed to the CFS Classroom with four links on editing in the “Sound and Editing” section Aug-Sept. 1996 and one about screenwriting.   This is an excellent starting place for filmmakers looking for resources on the internet or anyone self motivated to learn filmmaking.

   If you are an industry insider, many of the major entertainment companies received special notification of this site. You’re thinking she just doesn’t understand the rules?  This paragraff is for eu.   Although I have plenty of documents, with Seals of Government Agencies and Courts as evidence that state I’m not “crazy” and have no history of mental illness, I can’t say that is still true after having worked, in a manner of speech, with several legal counselors defending the newspaper.   Some things rub off, some legal books describe it as a “brain damage” theory of legal defense.   Much of the Entertainment Industry already has my “writing sample”.   It was called my Vitae Curriculum depicting Extortion, Exploitation and Retaliation, i.E., ER!    High Treason is taking so long to create because I am shooting for my X-Files.  Right, I’m not a man and this is not about a group of women.   If this shot misses, I noticed alot of you hang out with your balls against the wall, in a manner of speech, so you won’t miss them!   Producers, etc., don’t call me collect from prison, I am not your “mother” and will not take it (this was actually done), or from any place that looks like a prison, like Universal Studios by way of example!

    “In the super-state, it really does not matter at all what actually happened.  Truth is what the government chooses to tell you. Justice is what it wants to happen.”  Attributed to Jim Garrison, New Orleans, District Attorney.   In the State of Florida a “trusted” member of the press can pick up a phone and make any unsubstantiated record they would care to have made about you at the local law enforcement office, even if that “trusted” member of the press is less educated and has a history of lower paying, lower responsibility employment compared to the person they are accusing and they are a RIVAL!  Good ole boys!
State of War, Absence of the alleged medical record.
    Flashback: This is a PORTFOLIO project supporting my visual skills.   Although I have them, pics with graphic violent content were edited out.   Most of it was made for a newspaper on deadline against other competitors.  It has been alleged I couldn’t and also claimed I didn’t.  In defense of my own alleged censorship case see for yourself !   More PICS.    I have hundreds.   I rarely missed a deadline!
Too funky for a deadline pics!   I will be relocating to Los Angeles in 1997 with no funds to back me up, but educated & prepared enough to compete.  I am making a hard earned comeback from two years of crippling sciatica, although this move is guaranteed, the time element is not set in stone.   Rock & Roll, 4 More Pics!

    It is incomprehensible why, except for any other reason than jealousy of my constant experimenting with new ideas, I have been the subject of massive portfolio thefts, in particular of special effects works.   I have been experimenting with special effects projects, drawing and science experiments, as well as in my film darkroom since my teens.  Many experiments produced successful effects.  Dozens upon dozens of those projects were stolen from me over the last ten years during which I have also been slandered and unable to make a living at what I do better than many people in “Hollywood”, that includes using my voice!

Text and Film at this site protected by copyright under the Berne Convention, all rights reserved.

Film & text by Pamela Curry 9/18/96.  Photo from Hamburg, Germany 1988 © Pamela Curry All Rights Reserved.  This photo of graffiti was taken at a shelled out building supposed to be an old theater dating back to WWII in Hamburg. It was taken when this artist was homeless.   “Petition. A list of persons who did not have the backbone to say no ”   Esar’s Comic Dictionary, 1943.
Is it still funny?
Home James
      Bibliography and Excerpts of Resources on Technology and Human/Civil Rights Abuse.
  Pamela Jean Curry’s Published and Unpublished still FILM works a sampler for Viewing only, Page 1       Page 2       Page 3       Page 4
  The Slumbering Sentinel by C.G. Weeramantry, Excerpt
  Fear on Trial by H. Faulk, excerpt      Karen Sue Foley’s Blacklisting survey, an excerpt
  Coming: Film Rights     Film Artist’s Chemical Health Hazards
Civil Evidence Page: Evidence , Federal documents
FCC Letter One, Technology Abuse
FCC LETTER 3, Referencing International Telecommunications Union
FCC Seal, Letter of Secretary of FCC Authenticating other letters
FBI Reply Letter to Inquiry about Investigating Satellite Surveillance, Invasion of Privacy
F.B.I. Affidavit attesting to the Authenticity of the Letter of August 1987
Library of Congress Reply to Research Inquiry on Books on Blacklisting
  Library of Congress Affidavit 1
Library of Congress Affidavit 2 attesting to authenticity of the research reply letter.