Texts, Magazines, Trade Journals, & Papers, International & U.S. Government Publications, Unpublished Reports and Internet Links compiled by PamelajeanCurry. NOT exactly a Blog!
Copyright 1998, Pamela Curry, All rights reserved.
This Bibliography is a good place to start if you have limited knowledge on technology abuse that scholars, technicians, & governments have connected to human & civil rights abuses.
Film Studio Faux, Parody of Motion Picture Film Studio Training and an
alternative learning experiment has moved in next door!
“I’m a soldier of fortune, I’m a dog of war…” Mark Knopfler, Brothers in Arms
June 2003 – The Information Warfare section of this page is being expanded, below!The rest of this page has older but good references, published by journals, magazines, or authors who probably have more recent writings! Here is evidence what may be happening to you is not in your head, and may be beyond your control. This page is against fascism. State controlled and censored information societies can be sustained because of ignorance and complacency. Bloated egos and big salaries are at times signs of persons who participate in organized blacklisting. They along with the local newspaper, whose editor takes a cut of the profits, will not risk their position to tell you the truth. This is an opinion of this writer/filmmaker. It is based on several year civil court struggle alone against alleged industry wide communications blacklisting & years of research worldwide. Page bottom is a “Selected Bibliography” by Harland Girard , although I have not reviewed those articles myself this list came highly recommended. Disinformationhas some good articles, specifically in”Media Watch”, search for yourself!
Information Warfare | Books & Texts | Magazines & Journals |
U.S. Govt. & Int’l | U.N. Technology | Unpublished Source |
Link Cypher newsletter | Link Risk Digest | Link U.S. O.T.A. |
“I’m going to ride across the river deep and wide, I’m going to ride across the river to the other side” Mark Knopfler, Brothers in Arms
Computer-Related Risks, Life Threatening | Mental Health Abuse admitted in U.S. |
U.S. Citizens denied FOI access | Health risks, mental & physical, suppressed |
the bombardment of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, archived at the Gerald Ford Library
Information WarFare on the Internet. These links number in the thousands.
We linked to this site August 1998…as of the summer of 1999 this link is gone!
German site on Information Warfare with some fair links.
IWS – Information Warfare Site in Great Briittain – Large site
On the other hand the Federation of American Scientists, who just this year commented that government websites were removing information once accessible to the public, has a good page of InfoWar Resources
InfoWARcon , September 1996, a conference in Virginia was sponsored by several corporations, including IBM. This Symposium, the 5th, was presented by individuals in international intelligence and U.S. military intelligence, as well as judges and others familiar with computer security or in this instance “unsecure computer” issues. It presented papers to study and prepare for “InfoWar”. Those included strategies with hypothetical situations for future events. Information war, in this writer’s viewpoint, is often interchangeable with psychological warfare. Electromagnetic warfare was also covered. Please see below Wendy Cane’s unpublished report documenting behavior modification experiments by scientists, with involvement by the U.S. Government,for serious health and human rights warnings about electromagnetic warfare.
Pink Noise Studios also has an article entitled “Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation” Credited to the Association of National Security Alumni, Electronic Surveillance Project. It depicts specific complaints of American citizens, decide for yourself.
Coincidentally, the timing of this sponsorship by these corporations of a seminar series, bringing together international computer security experts, corresponds with efforts by the U.S. Corporate community to gear up for S.E.C. (U.S. Security & Exchange Commission) mandatory electronic EDGAR filings. Although annual and other reports have long been public, my own experience with the S.E.C. also tells a story that these reports, containing sensitive corporate information, are not easily or cheaply accessible.
“Information Warfare…The director of the CIA announced plans for a center concerned with ‘very, very large’, scale attacks to information infrastructures.” Page Bottom Click “Cypher Archive”, then “July 28, 1996” & click LISTWATCH. This is a regular column in “Cypher”, linked on the Ruby Teal Page, “LISTWATCH: Security Related News Items from Security-Related Mailing Lists” is
A publication of the I.E.E.E.
Secrecy and Accountability in U.S. Intelligence a paper by Steven Aftergood, Director, Project on Government Secrecy, Federation of American Scientists. October 9, 1996 “While U.S. intelligence agencies have done an astonishingly poor job of protecting the nation’s secrets from foreign adversaries, they have been more successful in blocking access by American citizens to the most basic categories of intelligence information.” FOI requests blocked.
F.A.S. (Federation of American Scientists) has a webpage of links entitled “Intelligence on the Web”. Do not allow that title to limit your search. There are other sites beyond this site, including some hacker’s sites, with useful information. Some of these links are self censored and some contained outdated/old information.
“…And we don’t give a damn who the killing is for…” Mark Knopfler, Brothers in Arms
News Article in The Spotlight, July 31, 1995, “High-Tech Civilian Control Studies”. “…weapons, under development, are being added to the government arsenal in its war against its own citizens…Under a secret memorandum of understanding co-signed in March by Attorney General Janet Reno and Defense Secretary William Perry, the Pentagon will receive almost $50 million in additional ‘black program’ (i.e. secret) funding…What particularly worries civilian scientists is a classified Pentagon contract issued earlier this year for the development of high-power electro-magnetic generators that interfere with human brain waves…says Dr. Emery Horvath, a professor of physics at Harvard University. ‘In the hands of government technicians, it may be used to disorient entire crowds, or to manipulate individuals into self-destructive act. It’s a terrifying weapon.'” Article by Warren Hough
**The constitutionality of this type of weapon can never be challenged unless individuals involved in research and individuals whom are alleged victims come forward with affidavits and documented evidence, and importantly, receive the support of other citizens concerned with stopping the deterioration of Constitutional protections.(Writer’s aside).
“The cause it is noble, the cause it is just…” Mark Knopfler, Brothers in Arms
Books and Texts
United Nations, Human Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments, Volume I, Second Part (May 1993) This is the first publication of the “Guidelines for the Regulation of Computerized Personal Data Files pages 536-539.
Symposium, Blackmail, 141, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, May 1993 (entire issue).
The Slumbering Sentinels, C. Weeramantry, Penguin Books 1983Excerpted on this website.
State Responsibility and the Direct Broadcast Satellite by Marika Natasha Taishoff. A publication of the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, 1985-86. This is a very technical description of treaties and outer space law. It is an excellent source of how communications systems work today. That knowledge alone can give you a greater understanding of the vast array of technology abuses possible and probable, and the legal responsibility of the “state”. The term “state” in this article primarily refers to a country in international documents.
The Ruby-Teal Page has links, to excerpts from books on Blacklisting, PAGE TOP
“We’re ready to pay with our lives if we must…” Mark Knopfler, Brothers in Arms
Magazines, Trade Journals & Pamphlets
High Technology Law Journal. This has been to technology & constitutional rights what the Police MisConduct Manual is to criminal law & constitutional rights, as an often fair source of information on new technologies and constitutional rights. It's a good start for research. For example Vol. 3:1 in 1989 published an article entitled "News Media Satellites and the First Amendment" pointing out defects in federal regulation that put "Unconstitutional Conditions on the Exercise of a Constitutional Right". Folks, if they can do that to the Times and get away with it they can do that and more to your constitutional rights.
Information Technology and Dataveillance by Roger A. Clarke in the Trade Journal, Communications of the A.C.M. (Association of Computing Machinery). May 1988 Pages 498 – 512. (78 footnotes that are themselves good reading). On page 505 of this article Mr. Clarke publishes a chart “Figure 3. Real and Potential Dangers of Dataveillance...Witch hunts…blacklisting…Denial of due process” . The article is premised on the fact “Data surveillance is now supplanting conventional surveillance techniques. With this trend come new monitoring methods such as personal dataveillance and mass dataveillance that require more effective safeguards and a formal policy framework.”
Communications of the ACM over the past few years had several good articles including “Inside Risks” a regular column that is an archive of cases on risks arising in computer-related systems. They have also written an old article attacking the position of the FBI relative to their expanding blanket requests for telephone surveillance. The ACM is an association of computer professionals whose members are experts in all areas of computer machinery. Also ,you may see this publication by Peter Neuman who writes that same column for the A.C.M., The Risks Digest, Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers & Related Systems . For example, Jan. 1992 he wrote in Inside Risks, “What’s in a name?” about problems attributed to use of confused identifiers. “Joseph O. Robertson was arrested, extradited, and confined to a state mental facility for 17 months, despite available mug shots and fingerprints to the contrary…Sheila Jackson Stossier was arrested and jailed because of an NCIC hit on a warrant for Shirley Jackson…Martin Lee Dement spent two years in Los Angeles County jail, because of botched use of the then new California Automated Latent Print System; manual check of another suspect’s prints finally cleared him…” THIS LINK IS STILL GOOD AS OF 2/11/97 BUT HARD TO REACH, TRY CATLESS
The New Surveillance by Gary T. Marx, Technology Review (May-June1985) I’ll be watching you: Reflections on the new surveillance by Gary T. Marx, Dissent (Winter 1985). Marx was a professor of sociology at M.I.T. when he wrote an unpublished paper which these two articles were drawn from. The unpublished paper was prepared for meetings on George Orwell held by the Council of Europe and The American Sociological Association. Excerpted: “The gigantic data banks made possible by computers raise important surveillance questions…Some of fiction’s imaginary surveillance technology, like the two-way television that George Orwell described, is now reality…The highly secretive National Security Agency-using 2,000 staffed interception posts throughout the world, and satellites, air-craft, and ships–monitors all electronic communications from and to the United States.” There may be more recent articles by this writer worth reading.
Privacy and Computers, Texas Law Review, Article 1987. Particularly at pages 1429-1430 where this very detailed law review article states “The processing of information in itself also does not particularly violate individual privacy…The dissemination, the transfer of personal information between business entities, endangers the individual’s privacy the most…The dissemination of personal information creates precisely the conditions that lead to violation of personal autonomy, selfhood, and the ability to relate with others. It fosters a sense of outrage in the individual, it makes it impossible to change roles when confronted with new people, and it makes it impossible for an individual to change her own definition of self” Writers aside: When compared to earlier definitions of the goals of “blacklisting”, isolation techniques impairing the “ability to relate with others” this fits within that goal. (See the Foley excerpt).
Technology & Terrorism: Privatizing Public Violence, by Stephen Sloan, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 8 (Summer 1991) (Paper presented at Conference on State Organized Terror, East Lansing, MI, Nov. 2-7, 1988 by a Political Science professor). The IEEE is a professional society of Electrical Engineers. Their writings are varied and their publications are many and the library of the International Telecommunications Union (regulating satellite space worldwide) has all their publications. Sloan writes “[R]epression…may threaten democratic states who might unwittingly move down the road to repression as a result of the continuing and accelerating revolution in science and technology.”
U.S. Government & International Publications, Conventions and Advisory Statements
United States
Computer-Based National Information Systems: Technology and Public Policy Issues. A publication of the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. September 1981. The O.T.A., although not a candid source, does commission studies that are helpful in identifying 1990’s blacklisting. Consider on pages 118-119 of this publication on pages headed “”Transborder Data Flow” and “InformationGap” the study states “Some observers have suggested that the advent of information technology will widen the gulf between the haves and the have-nots in society. This view is based on relative differences in what might be called ‘information literacy,’ the ability to use information technology to cope with everyday life”...Individuals who are technologically illiterate may be affected in several ways:…-they may be at serious disadvantage in legal proceedings, both criminal and civil;”
International Cooperation and Competition in Civilian Space Activites, Published in July 1985 this book is a 500 page look at International Satellite Communications and touches on issues such as, what corporations own what, and remote sensing from space in light of the “Land Remote-Sensing Commercialization Act of 1984”. That act in short allowed private and commercial use of technology for land remote sensing. This technology is being used to access the natural resources of a country from space. It has already been used to discover archeological sites and underground cities. The potential for harm lies in the discovery being used for commercial purposes potentially without the knowledge of the land owner. Mining for resources through remote sensing mapping and for schools of fish has been documented in detail in specific United Nations Committees about Remote Sensing.
The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment has a catalog that is free to you. They have other publications expressing concerns about technology outpacing the law , with rather censored examples. Their documents can be found at Telnet: otabbs.ota.gov, login: public and password: public or O.T.A. Electronic BBS and at O.T.A. Archives
The Office of Technology Assessment was formed from the Technology Assessment Act of Oct. 13, 1972, Public Law No. 92-484, 1972 U.S. Code Cong. & Administrative news (86 Stat.) 3568, 3573. That background report states: “The reason behind H.R. 10243 are rooted in the deep seated environmental, social and economic problems which comprise the great bulk of the serious difficulties confronting the Nation today…Congress has difficulty in comprehensively envisioning all of the potential influences of technology...” Writers aside: no kidding?
The full text of U.S. Supreme court Opinions can be read online the day that they are published. Once connected by telnet to the Cleveland FREE-NET when they ask you what department you want type at that promt, not the number of the departments shown but, “go hermes”.
Regulating the use of personal data in the police sector. Recommendation Number R (87) 15 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 September 1987 and Explanatory memorandum. Published in Strasbourg in 1988. This was given to me personally by someone working at the United Nations Center for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. This document is a rarity as it recommends supervision on “Publicity, right of access to police files and right of rectification and right of appeal.” This document may be found now through the European Union. PAGE TOP
United Nations, Commission on Human Rights, Committee on Human Rights and scientific and technological developments.
The following are a collection of minutes from Human Rights Commission meetings that were the background for a United Nations Resolution entitled “Guidelines for the regulation of computerized personal data filed”. It is a project of the Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. The Committee is entitled “Human Rights and Scientific and Technological Developments”. It is important to note that this committee also at the same time was discussing a second and relevant issue, persons detained in mental institutes on non-medical grounds. That brought about a second resolution from this Commission on guidelines for detention of persons on the grounds of mental illness.
Mr. SCHIFTER (United States of America)(U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1982/SR.30 page 4) “said that his delegation joined the consensus on draft resolution E/CN.4/1982/L.14 because the protection of persons detained on grounds of mental health raised problems in all countries, including his own…” Note he chastised the work of this commission because it passed over in “silence: first, the need for all States to take appropriate measures to prevent the possibility of infringement of the rights of individuals and groups through misuse of scientific and technological developments, in particular with regard to respect for privacy and the protection of the human personality and its physical and intellectual integrity; secondly, the need for States to take every necessary measure to ensure that the utilization of scientific and technological achievements promoted the fullest realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
Sir Anthony Williams (United Kingdom) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1986/SR.21, page 4, paragraphs 14&) “17. Another issue of particular concern to his Government was the abuse of psychiatry and of medical treatment with respect to persons detained on non-medical grounds…The Sub- Commission report on the subject (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1983/17), which left no doubt about the seriousness of the issue, reached some horrifying conclusions regarding the practices employed. It was imperative to establish without delay guidelines which would deter further occurrence of such practices…”
Mr. Quinn (Australia) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1986/SR.21, page 16, paragraph 87&) “…There had also been a tendency to blame scientific and technological developments [by the debates at the U.N. Commission] themselves for human-rights abuses, whereas they stemmed from decisions as to the application of such developments…Computer technology developments could provide enormous benefits, for example in census taking, but the individual must be protected from unnecessary interference with his privacy or the use of false information to his detriment…”
Mr. Klenner (German Democratic Republic) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1986/SR.21 page 7) …”Technological progress did not automatically imply human rights progress, however: scientific discoveries could be used for good purposes or just as easily for bad one. The enemy of black South Africans was not the computer, but the apartheid politicians and financiers who perfected their institutionalized racism with the help of such devices.” On technology and the arms race “…’Star wars’ was not a means of creating heaven on earth, but it could result in hell on earth.”
Mr. Mezzalama (Observer for Italy) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1986/SR.21 page 8, paragraph 42)…The cinema, television, tape recorders, & listening devices could become ways and means of intruding upon the privacy of individuals and violating their psychic integrity, freedom and intellectual autonomy. Similarly, the indiscriminate use of computers and other devices within the context of automation and cybernetics could compromise human individuality…44. The Sub-Commission’s work to date outlines the guidelines and principles required to establish a more balanced relationship between technological development and the protection of human rights. Guidelines such as those on the protection of persons detained on the grounds of mental ill-health (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1985/20) and in the field of computerized personal files (E/CN.4/Sub.2/ 1983/18) represented clearly-defined and well adapted material upon which States could draw.
Ms. Dourtcheva (Women’s International Democratic Federation – WIDF) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1986/SR.2211/ page 12, paragraph 65) “WIDF was convinced that the social effects of scientific and technological developments depended on the social and economic system of the individual country… the introduction of new technologies had been used as a pretext for the further exclusion of women from the labour market, while the persistent infringement of their right to equal pay for equal work had been aggravated by the violation of their right to work.”
Mr. Mullor (Observer for the Holy See) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1986/SR.23, page 7, paragraph 25) “…Secondly, the contention that priority should be given either to civil and political rights or to economic and social rights was a false and meaningless alternative. In actual fact, all human rights co-existed and they advanced or regressed together. Justice was a climate, and not an occasional act. The right to work – to cite one example – could not be fully exercised in the absence of the right to free choice of employment; work without freedom was mere slavery.” Writer’s aside: The “Holy See” is an arm of the Catholic Pope, the Vatican being a “state”.
Mr. Rajkumar (Pax Romana) (U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1983/SR.31 page 6, paragraph 25) “As to information and communication technologies the accumulation and selective use of information could lead to an accumulation of power, in both the private and public domains. The study on guidelines in the field of computerized personal files was still awaited, bu the Commission should be aware of the use of electronic mass media, including the various types of satellite already in operation, and the many forms of surveillance equipment now available, including some for individual behavioral control. The chief dangers were centralization, limited access and remoteness…” Writer’s Aside: PAX ROMANA is an intellectual Catholic Organization of sorts.
Mr. Konstantinov (Bulgaria) (U.N. Doc E/CN.4/1983/SR.50/Add.1, page 8) “…one of the negative effects of scientific and technological progress was the ever-increasing unemployment in some countries. It was well known in which countries that occurred and what was at the origin or the violation of the right to work. Misuses of science and technology was possible only when the results achieved in that field were employed for the benefit of selfish private interests. Consequently the effects of scientific and technological developments on the right to work should be studied.” PAGE TOP
Militarization in the Information Age by Cees J. Hamelink. Background Paper, commission of the churches on internatonal affairs. This was published as paper 1986/2 in 1986, but according to the World Council of Churches it’s no longer in publication. It is only 48 pages long covering issues such as Psychological Warfare. That section includes a definition of psychological warfare to include “Disinformation..the fabrication and distortion of information for the purpose of legitimising one’s own operations, de-legitimizing the enemy’s operations and misleading the enemy. Disinformation can be directed at domestic and/or foreign audiences.” The writer goes on to write about journalists allegedly working for the Central Intelligence Agency.
Desperately Seeking Wendy & Have been since 1988 when Rosalie Bertell wrote me that she wanted to publish this at the International Institute of Concern for Public Health in Toronto. 8/97
Advances in technology in non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (EMR) present immediate and critical dangers to health and human rights. There are very clear indications that they are being used to the detriment of international peace and security, and are threatening fundamental freedoms, the diginity of the person and social progress. 1
Research in the area of EMR reads like an anti-personnel manual in covert operations on how to condition, control behavior, disrupt health or destabilize.
The following are illustrations pointing to potential or actual use of EMR for behavior modification or in anti-personnel systems. Similar health risks may follow from environmental exposure.
1) Jose Delgao (a researcher who has been CIA and Navy funded, and is known for implantation of sterectaxic electrodes in the brains of prisoners and mental patients to control their behavior) now uses electromagnetic fields wihout direct brain contact to manipulate behavior. Fields as low as 1/50 the strength of the earth’s magnetic field (a flourescent light would expose one to more intense bombardment) have a profound effect when the signals are tuned to precise frequencies.2
He can cause fighting fish and other animals to become pacified. Extreme behavioral changes set in within an hour in monkeys kept under minute precise frequencies that could not be sensed with the hand, seen or felt. Under the influence of the differing fields they became hyperactive, began to sleep or were manipulated like toys.3
He also discovered that chick embroyos can be grossly deformed by infinitesimal amounts of energy. He was so concerned about the spectre of genetic mutation that he went home to check the electric appliances in his kitchen.4
With the same weak extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields at a certain frequency and power intensity, cats can be made to purr, lay down or roll over. Pregnant animals exposed to the same fields gave birth to offspring who exhibited drastic degradation of intelligence later in life. 5
Scientist Alan Frey conducted experiments where rats who were accustomed to fight viciously when their tails were pinched, accepted the pinching with relative passivity when irradiated with pulsed microwaves in the ultra-high frequency television range at the very low power density of one milliwattt per square centimeter.6 Peak human resonant frequency lies right in the middle of the VHF television range. 7
…There is a large body of information on electromagnetic fields, frequencies, waveforms, modulations and other parameters (especially on ELF) and their effects 18 but some precise technical data, and predictive application models are difficult to obtain: they are held in confidence by scientists 19, or in secret by intelligence agencies
…Microwaves pulsed at certain rates can be heard. Audiograms, ie. analogs of the word’s sound vibrations, can be made. Applications for anti-personnel use and covert operations designed to confuse, drive a target ‘crazy’ with voices, to deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin, or to invoke ideas or thought associations keyed to electromagnetically induced effects (replications of instinctual feelings, moods or other sophisticated effects) are obvious 29
Female voices can be replicated (“a voice within or conscience”) and keyed to EMR induced feelings. Audiograms or voice prints can be made to sound distinctive (eg. like a particular political leader, etc.) Pulsed at higher rates, the “voices” or input would register subliminally. High frequency sound (or thought injectors) may provide the “informational input” for a “second signal system” of behavioral modification. ie. where thought which is to modified is invoked, and then followed by “feedback” induced electromagnetically (see note 53). The CIA has been very interested in the behavior modification effects and mechanisms of “sound”.
The CIA funded work at University of California, Los Angeles, to develop microwave broadcasting equipment which could carry human voices into victims heads for the purpose of inducing hypnosis (or conditioning) at a distance. 30 In 1974, the CIA funded experiments by J.F. Schnapitz to investigate conveying the spoken word ofthe hypotists by electormagnetic energy directly to the subconscious parts of the human brain — e.i. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages. As a preliminary test of the concept, he recorded brain waves induced by certain druges, then modulated them onto a microwave beam and fed them back to an undrugged person’s brain to see if the same states of consciousness could be produced by the beam alone.31
9. The same sophisticated microwave equipment that is used for remote eavesdropping can also be used to project behavior modifying EMR. 33 This kind of equipment is used against many target groups in the Third World (see note 34).
Recordings of victims can be made with remote eavesdropping equipment, then using subliminal high frequency sound, the key ideas played back with the feeling suppled by EMR. Aversion to ideas can be created in this way, as well as acquiesence, with (simplistically) unpleasant or pleasant feelings, or more sophisticated EMR effects or combinations of effects, evoking “instinctual” replications of “doubt”, or other emotions such as the feeling of risk, threat of loss or of injury. Emotions will, in turn generate more thought which we will relate to our field of activity or to ideas which have been injected. After invoking an idea or thought about an endeavor with high frequency sound, and providing aversive or reinforcing artificial “feedback” the feedback can be made, through use of high frequency sound to be related to a peer, or to one on whom we rely, etc. This can be done positively or negatively and mimics the natural course of our thought processes. Eg. this (injected activity), (threat of loss), “the finance manager doesn’t approve”, or “that problem in our (injected activity) will come from that troublemaker (threat of injury_, in X faction”…Patterns can be built in this manner, and such patterns and thoghts can be repeated redundantly so that behavior and predilections are seriously influenced. Remote EMR can easily provide strong aversive and other feelings. All that need be done is to test various frequencies for there effect in emotion and how they register neurolinguistically, and this has been done.
Misc. Footnotes
.[Footnote] 50. Glen L. Roberts. Overview of Behavior Modification Technology and Bioeffects of ELF, Full Disclosure, No. 5, Aug. -Sept. 1985 (Capitol Information Association, Ann Arbor, Michigan), pg. 27 for a copy of former CIA deputy director Richard Helms’ memo. Helms was reported to have ordered most of the files on CIA mind control experimentation destroyed prior to his leaving the agency.”
65+ Footnotes document this 12 page study including: 6. “Paul Broder, The Zapping of America (Dell Publishing, New York, N.Y. 1976). pg. 295. Paul Broder is a New Yorker magazine reporter. His book is an impeccably documented account of military-industry sabotage of health effects research on microwaves, and was a ‘best seller’ in the U.S. It includes a chapter on mind control...7. Robert O. Becher, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life (William Morrow and Co., Inc., 1985), pg. 312. Dr. Robert O. Becker is an orthopedic surgeon who has spent over 25 years researching bioelectromagnetism and regeneration. A variety of electromagnetic treatments have evolved from his research efforts…He is also an outspoken critic of the U.S. government’s position on electromagnetic health risks and an expert on those health risks.” There are also footnotes to the Church of Scientology reports on mind control and very interestingly some of the documentation about the study of the health effects after the ‘zapping’ of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
FOOTNOTES above “29. Becker, op. cit., pg. 319.” PAGE TOP
This Writer’s Commentary on Wendy Cane’s Report.
Wendy Cane, an unpublished report? According to a source from Canada in 1991 at the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, Toronto, Ontario, this report would have been published if Wendy Cane could have been found. This is a very well footnoted and provocative report on alleged electromagnetic experiments for psychological warfare, connected to U.S. Government sources. It was first recommended to me in 1988 by a Dr. at the International Commission of Health Professionals in Geneva, Switzerland, located near an Amnesty International office. I was looking for information about health effects after reading an article where photojournalists were alleging that a co-worker in Florida, who was threatening them with a sex discrimination suit, was hearing voices! As recently as 1996 articles concerning an alleged proposed use of electromagetic warfare for control of U.S. citizens by Janet Reno was forwarded to me by another health care worker and former nuclear activist.
In about 1986 the National Press Photographer’s Association printed that a woman who had accused a photo crew in Clearwater, Florida of sex discrimination, and who had filed an EEOC report was being accused by them of “HEARING VOICES”. She went on to find a “better” position from a Graphics Editor at the Bradenton Herald, whom by 1991 would himself be up on charges of lewd conduct on minors allegedly on the premises of the newspaper (as reported by a competing newspaper). He was also my last job interview , after a long series of alleged threats made and carried out. My civil action has attempted to document an alleged pattern of technology abuse by media conglomerates in defending against alleged claims of discrimination and documented in detail alleged criminal misconduct in post-employment retaliation. Hopefully this page will aid persons in need of information about technology abuse find sources, and enable them to recognize patterns of abuse to prevent retaliations. I slept in streets without food or shelter to find many of these sources including those from the U.S. which I had to locate in Geneva in 1988 to even lay the foundation for my civil action. I have an affidavit showing Tampa public law libraries were not equipped with many of the publications I needed.
“Selected Bibliography” excerpted from copyrighted paper by Harland Girard, 1995.
“The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict” By Capt. Paul E. Tyler, MC, USN in “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology”ed. Lt. Col David J. Dean USAF, Air University Press, Maxwell AFB Alabama, 1986.
“Non-lethal Weapons” by Dick Russell. Prevailing Winds, Premiere Issue (March, 1995)
“Armageddon: Killing Them Softly” by Russell Shorto. GQ, March, 1995
“Alien Abduction” by Susan Blackmore. New Scientist (London), November, 1994
“Keeping Tabs on Criminals” by Joseph Hoshen, et, al. IEEE Spectrum, February, 1995
“Damage Control on Human Radiation Experiments” by Glenn Alcalay. Covert Action Quarterly, Spring, 1995.
Bibliography and Excerpts of Resources on Technology and Human/Civil Rights Abuse.
Pamela Jean Curry’s Published and Unpublished still FILM works a sampler for Viewing only,Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
The Slumbering Sentinel by C.G. Weeramantry, Excerpt
Fear on Trial by H. Faulk, excerpt Karen Sue Foley’s Blacklisting survey, an excerpt
Coming: Film Rights Film Artist’s Chemical Health Hazards
Civil Evidence Page: Evidence , Federal documents
FCC Letter One, Technology Abuse
FCC LETTER TWO FCC LETTER 3, Referencing International Telecommunications Union
FCC Seal, Letter of Secretary of FCC Authenticating other letters
FBI Reply Letter to Inquiry about Investigating Satellite Surveillance, Invasion of Privacy
F.B.I. Affidavit attesting to the Authenticity of the Letter of August 1987